2024 Solution-Focused Summer Intensive Conference
Presented by Denver Center for Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

This year Denver Center for Solution-Focused Brief Therapy is hosting 2 separate Solution-Focused Trainings. Both trainings provide live discussion and time for supervised practice. Each training is purposely kept small so that we can tailor the material to the participants, improve each individual's learning experience, and allow for more questions and practice.

Summer Intensive
Begins July 15, 2024

The in-person Solution-Focused Therapy training event is 5 days of live training at Denver Center for SFBT's training center, located in Littleton, Colorado, which is just minutes from the beautiful Rocky Mountains- Learn, Practice, and Master SFBT. Each day ends with time to explore.

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Summer Intensive
Begins July 22, 2024

The online Solution-Focused Therapy training event is 5 days of training via Zoom allowing access from anywhere in the world where internet access is available. The 5 days is followed by 2 days of Train the Trainers, our trademark training for people working in leadership positions.

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The 2024 Solution-Focused Summer Intensive at a glance

This Solution-Focused training is presented by International solution-focused trainer, consultant, author, and therapist, Teri Pichot, and local trainer, author, and therapist, Amanda Bushek. You're invited to join them in beautiful Denver, Colorado this summer for an energizing week of learning, collaboration, and networking. Can't make it in person? We will also have an additional online version the following week as well. This training includes the most recent developments in the evidence-based solution-focused approach as well as timely and frequently requested Solution-Focused Brief Therapy topics. Teri and Amanda bring over 45 years of experience working with some of the most challenging client populations as well as their passion applying SFBT in these often highly regulated settings. Some highlights of this year will be Teri and Amanda’s demonstrating how to use solution-focused techniques in the challenging arena of children, adolescents, and the educational system. In addition, we will actively discuss and demonstrate how to use Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with those struggling with grief, loss, trauma, and other difficult and/or chronic diagnoses. Lastly, we will explore how SFBT’s “person-informed” approach effectively addresses the concerns raised by the trauma-informed movement. As previous workshop attendees can readily attest, Teri and Amanda’s complementary teaching styles and inclusive warmth and humor create an invigorating yet practical, hands-on learning environment. Stay for the week or choose specific days with topics of interest. Further, participants who are already actively teaching, supervising, or training in the field of evidence-based Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, are invited to stick around for two additional days online to acquire advanced solution-focused teaching skills, and develop unique applications specifically tailored for your own training, coaching, supervision, or consultation work. All hours qualify toward international certification through the International Alliance of Solution-Focused Teaching Institutes as awarded through Denver Center for SFBT.

We have a 5 day in-person Summer Intensive 7/15/24-7/19/24 and another online Summer Intensive 7/22/24-7/26/24 and 2 days of Train the Trainers and Supervisors online 7/29/24 and 7/30/24.

  • Designed to benefit beginners to advanced learners
  • Content is tailored to the needs of those in attendance; making attending useful year after year
  • Attend all 7 days or choose the days you want; only pay for the days you attend
  • Learn Solution-Focused Skills from IASTI certified trainers
  • Practice Solution-Focused techniques and receive live feedback
  • Continuing support after the conference

2024 Solution-Focused Summer Intensive, Conference - Featured Trainer

  • Solution-Focused Trainer, Teri Pichot

    Teri Pichot, LCSW, MAC, LAC:

    Teri Pichot began her career as a psychotherapist over 30 years ago. Teri has worked extensively with individuals, couples, and families distressed by many issues including chronic mental illness, substance misuse, and domestic violence. Teri received her Masters degree in Social Work from the University of Denver, and she went on to obtain licensure as a Clinical Social Worker in addition to achieving the highest level of both state and national certification as an addictions specialist. She also is internationally certified as a Solution-Focused trainer through IASTI. Teri Pichot was a Delta Society Pet Partner with her former canine companions, Rockefeller, Jasper, and Tazman, and she has significant experience partnering with them to provide animal assisted interventions with her clients. Teri has designed and implemented innovative programs that utilize Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (with and without therapy dogs) with both adults and adolescents. Teri established her solid reputation in the field when she transformed an outpatient, publicly funded substance abuse treatment program into one that became internationally recognized for its innovation and effectiveness with externally motivated, dual diagnosed clientele. Teri is also the founder of the Denver Center for Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, where in addition to seeing clients, she provides international training and consultation to agencies and professionals. Teri specializes in demonstrating and teaching how Solution-Focused Brief Therapy can be used effectively with some of the most challenging problems that therapists and agencies face. Teri has published numerous journal articles and five books (some have been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, and French), and enjoys working with professionals to help them discover how Solution-Focused Brief Therapy can be effective with “difficult” populations. Teri’s passion is assisting others (clients and professionals alike) to see that change is not only possible, but invigorating. Teri Pichot is well known for her energy, sense of humor, love of animals, and passion for her work. Pichot's creative spirit, enthusiasm, and zest for change are contagious and are reflected in the therapists she trains and supervises.

2024 Solution-Focused Summer Intensive, Conference - Schedule

This year we are hosting 2 Summer Intensive trainings. The first Summer Intensive training is presented in-person at our training center in Littleton, Colorado beginning July 15, 2024. The second Summer Intensive training is presented online via Zoom beginning July 22, 2024. The topics are the same for both weeks with the only difference being one week is in-person, and the other week is online. You may register for classes/days any way you please from selecting an entire week of training (either Summer Intensive); by selecting one or more days from either in-person and online; or by selecting a single day from either Summer Intensive. Below is a view of the daily topics. You can View the In-Person Week Schedule Here. You can View Online week schedule here. You can click the buttons in the banners below to switch between in-person and online schedules.


In-Person Summer Intensive
Begins Monday, July 15, 2024

Click to View In-Person Schedule Below

Online Summer Intensive
Begins Monday, July 22, 2024

Click to View Online Schedule Below
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Monday, July 15, 2024

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM (Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

(Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Refresher Course:

This energizing, dynamic workshop offers a succinct, practical overview of the fundamentals of the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy approach applicable to a variety of therapeutic and professional contexts. This is the ideal workshop for someone new to the solution-focused approach as well as for experienced solution-focused practitioners wanting to refresh or refine their understanding of the basics of SFBT as developed at the Milwaukee Brief Family Therapy Center and documented in research studies demonstrating evidence-based effectiveness. This important workshop will form the foundation of our work together throughout the week and will serve as the opening of the week-long summer intensive. Beginners as well as advanced practitioners will benefit from participating in this high energy day.

Solution-Focused Therapist Training July-16

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM (Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

(Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

The Art of Being Purposeful in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy:

This day will build upon the fundamentals of SFBT to help participants fine tune their use of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy to increase their effectiveness. The subtleties of the model will be emphasized. Special focus will be on being purposeful in the use of questions and to learn to carefully match each professional response to the clients’ previous answer. For best results, plan to attend both the Refresher Course on Day-1 as well as this day, for they build upon each other.

Solution-Focused Therapist Training July-17

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM (Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

(Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

Now What? SF Beyond the Initial Session and in Challenging Settings:

We are frequently asked how to apply the basic SF structure throughout a treatment episode, in settings in which professionals are expected to give advice or be the “expert,” in evaluation settings, etc. This session tackles these challenging questions and will help participants remain in the solution-focused stance regardless of the setting. This advanced course will provide hands-on opportunity to explore and practice SFBT in these and other challenging settings. Join us for a day of discussion, role play, and learning.

Solution-Focused Therapist Training July-18

Thursday, July 18, 2024

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM (Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

(Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

Using Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with Children, Adolescents, and the Educational Systems:

Working with children and adolescents brings its own challenges. Practical ways to engage these young clients and partner with parents and caregivers to create a shared miracle and to work together to make desired changes will be the primary focus of this day. In addition, we will explore the use of SFBT within the educational system to address common issues such as bullying and challenging classroom behaviors.

Solution-Focused Therapist Training-July-19

Friday, July 19, 2024

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM (Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

(Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

Using Solution-Focused Practice with Trauma and other Challenging Diagnoses:

One of the most common questions we receive is, “How does SFBT work with trauma?” (or a difficult or chronic diagnosis). This is the day to explore these questions. It has sometimes been mistakenly assumed that Solution-Focused Brief Therapy is not the approach of choice when working with clients who have recently experienced a tragic loss and/or are dealing with the aftermath of trauma. It's assumed this won't work with psychosis, or personality disorders. This workshop challenges these beliefs and will demonstrate how this powerful approach can offer the very compassion, healing, and future vision that clients who struggle with the devastating effects of trauma or other chronic conditions need.

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Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Refresher Course

This is an overview to create common language and understanding as our foundation.


The Art of Being Purposeful in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

This session focuses on learning to have purpose and direction for each question.

Now What? SF Beyond the Initial Session and in Challenging Settings

This is designed to empower you to stay in the model throughout the toughest cases.

Using Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with Children, Adolescents, and the Educational Systems

This is designed to improve your skills effectively working with younger clients in their family and school settings.


Using Solution-Focused Practice with Trauma and other Challenging Diagnoses

This is designed to help address the most chronic presenting problems with confidence.

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Monday, July 22, 2024

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM (Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

(Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Refresher Course:

This energizing, dynamic workshop offers a succinct, practical overview of the fundamentals of the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy approach applicable to a variety of therapeutic and professional contexts. This is the ideal workshop for someone new to the solution-focused approach as well as for experienced solution-focused practitioners wanting to refresh or refine their understanding of the basics of SFBT as developed at the Milwaukee Brief Family Therapy Center and documented in research studies demonstrating evidence-based effectiveness. This important workshop will form the foundation of our work together throughout the week and will serve as the opening of the week-long summer intensive. Beginners as well as advanced practitioners will benefit from participating in this high energy day.

Solution-Focused Therapist Training July-23

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM (Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

(Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

The Art of Being Purposeful in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy:

This day will build upon the fundamentals of SFBT to help participants fine tune their use of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy to increase their effectiveness. The subtleties of the model will be emphasized. Special focus will be on being purposeful in the use of questions and to learn to carefully match each professional response to the clients’ previous answer. For best results, plan to attend both the Refresher Course on Day-1 as well as this day, for they build upon each other.

Solution-Focused Therapist Training July-24

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM (Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

(Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

Now What? SF Beyond the Initial Session and in Challenging Settings:

We are frequently asked how to apply the basic SF structure throughout a treatment episode, in settings in which professionals are expected to give advice or be the “expert,” in evaluation settings, etc. This session tackles these challenging questions and will help participants remain in the solution-focused stance regardless of the setting. This advanced course will provide hands-on opportunity to explore and practice SFBT in these and other challenging settings. Join us for a day of discussion, role play, and learning.

Solution-Focused Therapist Training July-25

Thursday, July 25, 2024

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM (Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

(Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

Using Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with Children, Adolescents, and the Educational Systems:

Working with children and adolescents brings its own challenges. Practical ways to engage these young clients and partner with parents and caregivers to create a shared miracle and to work together to make desired changes will be the primary focus of this day. In addition, we will explore the use of SFBT within the educational system to address common issues such as bullying and challenging classroom behaviors.

Solution-Focused Therapist Training-July-26

Friday, July 26, 2024

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM (Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

(Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

Using Solution-Focused Practice with Trauma and other Challenging Diagnoses:

One of the most common questions we receive is, “How does SFBT work with trauma?” (or a difficult or chronic diagnosis). This is the day to explore these questions. It has sometimes been mistakenly assumed that Solution-Focused Brief Therapy is not the approach of choice when working with clients who have recently experienced a tragic loss and/or are dealing with the aftermath of trauma. It's assumed this won't work with psychosis, or personality disorders. This workshop challenges these beliefs and will demonstrate how this powerful approach can offer the very compassion, healing, and future vision that clients who struggle with the devastating effects of trauma or other chronic conditions need.

Solution-Focused Therapist Training July-29-30

Monday/Tuesday, July 29/30, 2024

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM (Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

(Mountain Daylight Savings Time)

(Days 6-7)
Training the Trainers and Supervisors: Advanced Training for Solution-Focused Trainers, Supervisors, and Workshop Leaders:

The final two days target professionals who have already honed their skills in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, are currently actively training or have experience training, and would like to further enhance those skills. This is also the ideal training for supervisors and managers who want to learn how to effectively supervise solution-focused staff or maintain their investment of previous solution-focused training within the agency. Advanced concepts will be explored, and the focus will be on assisting participants in building upon these existing skills to reach their training, supervision, and consulting goals. We will also discuss ways participants can work to develop and initiate local, national and international solution-focused teaching opportunities.

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Registration Information:

COVID-19 initially challenged us all to be more creative and find online solutions that are just as effective as in-person. While in the beginning we were unsure if we would have the same energy, engagement, and hands-on learning that this event was known for, we soon discovered that there was no reason to worry. Our online Summer Intensive was amazing, with just as much engagement and interaction, and it also opened the doors to those who otherwise would not have been able to attend! We have had such good results online over the past several years that Amanda and I have made the decision to offer the July Solution-Focused Summer Intensive online again in 2024 while also offering a week back in-person. We are committed to keep the number of attendees the same (maximum of 35) to ensure individual attention, lively discussion, practice feedback, and our same overall high quality. We are excited about the unique benefits that being online offers!

For those of you who are eager to get back in-person, we are excited to do so this year! Please follow the Accommodations link below to use the travel links to find an assortment of hotels in the Littleton area. The solution-focused trainings will be held at the Denver Center for SFBT training facility. The address is 1101 W. Mineral Ave, Suite #108, Littleton, CO 80120. The Hampton Inn and Suites on County Line Road is the closest hotel. It is located approximately three miles south of the training facility. Uber and Lyft are great ways to get to and from the training site if you'd prefer not to rent a car. Some hotels may also offer a free shuttle.

Follow the links below to register by mail or register online. To register by mail, fill out the PDF form online then print it and mail it with your payment to the address indicated on the form.

click here to register for the Summer Intensive online click here to download the paper registration form for the Summer Intensive click here to download the paper registration form for the Summer Intensive click here to download the paper registration form for the Summer Intensive Click here for accommodations information for Solution-Focused Summer Intensive training

Location and Contact Information for the July 15, 2024 - July 19, 2024 In-Person Dates:

RSI Building
1101 W. Mineral Ave., Suite 108
Littleton, CO 80120 USA

PHONE: 303-941-4497

EMAIL: tpichot@denversolutions.com

Requirements for Online Classes

The July 22nd - 26th as well as the July 29th and 30th classes will be offered online this year using the free Zoom interactive platform. Participants are expected to participate using web camera, audio, and individual computer/tablet. (More information will be provided upon request or upon registering for this date.)

Cancellation Policy:

We must receive your written request to cancel seven business days prior to the course date in order to receive a full refund. All refunds will be less a five percent administrative fee. Cancellations received after seven days will not receive a refund, but a credit will be given to enroll in another training class. No future class credit will be given for "no shows" or partial day attendance. There are no minimum enrollment limits for any of our classes since we believe some of the best learning can occur in small groups. However, should a class need to be canceled due to instructor illness or weather, you will be given a full refund, or you may enroll in another class. Denver Center for SFBT is only liable for the cost of the class registration fees should a cancellation occur.

Continuing Education:

Denver Center for Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6799. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Denver Center for Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, LLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. All classes qualify as "Continuing Professional Development" as part of Colorado Department of Regulatory Agency's required Learning Plan for licensed professionals. CEU/CEC certificates are awarded following all classes and are available upon request following individual training services. Lastly, if your state requires formal CEUs, we will work with you and provide any information you need in order to receive CEUs in your state. Please let us know what you need in order to receive credit for class attendance.


Denver Center for Solution-Focused Brief Therapy is a member of the International Association of Solution-Focused Teaching Institutes (IASTI). We offer the International Solution-Focused Practitioner Certificate as well as the Advanced and Master level Certificates. All classes and activities at Denver Center for SFBT count toward these certificates. The certificates, while not a clinical license, reflect basic knowledge, training, and practice in Solution-Focused practice. We are among the first in North America to offer the internationally reciprocal Solution-Focused Practitioner Certificate based on the official standards set by IASTI. The member Institutes of IASTI represent training institutes who are committed to high quality training and supervision in the Solution-Focused model, and represent a longstanding tradition in providing Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, coaching, consulting, supervision, and training.

E-mail questions or request more information about our solution-focused therapy training: tpichot@denversolutions.com