Solution-Focused Summer Intensive Conference Registration
For the online week (July 21-25)

Attendee Information

First Name:
Last Name:
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Please read the following notes prior to selecting your classes.

  • You are on the page for online registration. To switch, click here to register for the in-person Summer Intensive.
  • When you click the "Click Here to Add This Class to Cart" button, you will be taken to PayPal's secure page (in a new window) to complete the payment process.
  • You can see a full description of each day on our dedicated Summer Intensive page. You can register by mail by clicking here...
  • You can register for all five days ONLINE (JUL 21-25 ) or both days (JUL 28-29) for train the trainers and receive a discounted rate."
  • If you only want a specific day or days, you can register from the a la carte menu at the bottom of this page.
  • You have a choice of early registration, regular registration, or group registration. Early registration applies when registering more than two weeks prior to that class's date. Regular registration applies when registering within two weeks (14 days) prior to the first class's date.
  • Check that your selections and entries are correct, and click the "Click Here to Add This Class to Cart" button. (PayPal opens in a new window.)
  • You will be able to return to this page (window) to add additional classes if desired (by clicking the tab to open this window).

Register here for all 5 days of the ONLINE week of the Solution-Focused Summer Intensive (July 21-25):

Early registration time is based on Mountain Daylight Saving Time.
Choose early, regular, or group registration:
Please indicate the number of people:

Register here for both days of Train the Trainers/Supervisors (2-days JUL 28-29):

Early registration time is based on Mountain Daylight Saving Time.
Choose early, regular, or group registration:
Please indicate the number of people:

Register for Solution-Focused Summer Intensive A la carte:

To select more than one class, select the first class and click "add to cart." The cart will open in a new window. You can then return to this tab to select and add the next class.
Early registration time is based on Mountain Daylight Saving Time.
Class Title:
Choose early, regular, or group registration:
Please indicate the number of people: