Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Certification Program

Solution Focused Certification
Internationally Recognized

If you're interested in becoming a certified Solution-Focused therapist, it's essential to understand the meaning of the different types of certification, certification levels, training requirements, and examination processes.

Purpose of Certification in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

Professionals are not generally required to be formally certified to practice Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, but certification can provide some level of legitimacy to one’s claim that they are truly using this evidenced-based model of practice as designed. This is helpful for marketing oneself for future employment or grant funding as well as obtaining valuable self-confidence when using the model with some of the most challenging presenting problems in private practice. The key to achieving these benefits of certification in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy is to ensure the certification is truly skill or competency-based and not just the completion of course hours.

Levels 1 through 3 Solution-Focused certification offered through the Denver Center for Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, in conjunction with IASTI

Our Solution-Focused certification is done in partnership the International Association of Solution-Focused Training Institutes (IASTI). Denver Center for Solution Focused Brief Therapy is a long-standing training member institute for Solution-Focused Therapy. We are now offering the International Solution Focused Practitioner Certificate as well as advanced levels of certification. The Certificate, while not a clinical license, reflects basic knowledge, training, and practice in Solution-Focused practice. We are among the first in North America to offer the internationally reciprocal Solution-Focused Practitioner Certificate based on the official standards recently set by IASTI. The member Institutes of IASTI represent training institutes who are committed to high quality training and supervision in the Solution-Focused model and represent a longstanding tradition in providing Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, coaching, consulting, supervision, and training.

Requirements for Solution-Focused Certification

The Solution-Focused Practitioner Certificate recognizes basic training and practice in the Solution-Focused approach and specific techniques. As a pre-requisite to participate in the Certificate program, a trainee must have a college degree in a recognized clinical mental health practice area such as psychiatry, psychology, or social work, or another professional area which can utilize Solution-Focused practice, such as nursing, life-coaching, education, or business. The minimum requirements for the Certificate are 50 hours of direct Solution-Focused training and completion of 100 hours of personal and professional practice training activities. These training and activities must be completed over a minimum of one year.

Direct Training: Direct training is the formal training that is obtained in a classroom or workshop with a Solution-Focused teacher/trainer. It includes the trainer providing educational information about this approach, as well as live demonstrations, practice exercises targeting specific Solution-Focused techniques, the studying of videotaped sessions, watching live interviews with clients, and other work on specific example cases, etc. Direct training could be provided via formal university academic regular or online courses in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, or professional workshops conducted by IASTI institutes or their equivalent. A minimum of 25 hours must be through Denver Center for SFBT or one of their trainers. In all cases, the decision to accept a course or workshop toward the requirement for Certification rests with the Denver Center for SFBT.

Personal Professional Practice Training Activities: These are activities that the trainee will be able to complete in part during their normal working hours. Since the training and practice of the Solution-Focused model is meant to be done at least in part within the context of trainees’ every day professional activities, trainees do not necessarily need to allocate exclusive time for all required hours toward certification. Examples of these training activities include: Using Solution-Focused techniques in clinical sessions or in the classroom and evaluating the result, reading and applying assigned Solution-Focused texts, peer supervision, role plays, daily professional diaries, or other Solution-Focused learning activities identified by Denver Center for SFBT or any of the IASTI institutes. A minimum of 10 hours of individual or group consultation through Denver Center for SFBT must be done in conjunction with these activity hours.

Examination: Once the training requirements for the Certificate are met, the trainee is eligible to take an examination in the form of an objective test which will measure the trainee’s basic knowledge of Solution-Focused principles and practice. In addition, the trainee will be required to complete an interview with the training staff of Denver Center for SFBT, so the trainee can demonstrate a solid ability to apply Solution-Focused practice to his or her work. After successful completion of this examination and interview, the trainee will receive the Certificate.

Get Started on Your Solution-Focused Certification Today:

For a detailed protocol to guide you step-by-step through the process, download the Solution-Focused Certification PDF.

Once you are ready to proceed, please contact Teri Pichot at to design your individualized learning plan to work toward the Solution-Focused Certification.

For More Information:

For more information or answers to specific questions, please contact us at

To Learn More about IASTI:

Visit their web site at