New to Solution-Focused Therapy
We understand that Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is not for everyone. If you wonder if this approach is right for you, or how deeply you want to engage with it, you’re in the right place. I have developed this guide to help you determine where to start with this transformative model, whether you're just curious about SFBT or ready to dive in and learn as much as possible.
Experienced with Solution-Focused Therapy (have some previous training)
Find the link in the table of contents below that aligns with your experience level and the kind of training you are wanting. Click to be taken directly to that section (You're welcome to read through the entire guide, too).
If you are just wanting to get a sense if this model might be a good fit for you, then the half-day, Solution-Focused Basics Overview might be a good choice. This class is only offered online in our live, interactive format, to allow people from around the world an easy way to get a better understanding of SFBT and whether it would be a good fit for them.
In this class, you get a quick overview of the model and the kinds of questions that you would ask. The class is taught in an experiential way, allowing participants to activity participate in a Solution-Focused conversation. It is a nice way for you to try on the questions and get a beginner’s level idea of if you would like to learn more.
1/2-day intro to SFBT (SF Basics Overview Online)
If you want a more in-depth view of what Solution-Focused Practice is all about, then the one-day Solution-Focused Brief Therapy 101 class might be the place to start. It provides all the same information as the half-day class but allows more time for additional concepts and discussion.
1-day intro to Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT 101)
1. For those of you who have decided SFBT is a good fit and are ready to jump in and start learning, the 2-day, Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Basics course is the ideal course. No prerequisites are required, and it is designed to not only give a solid foundation of the model, but uses demonstrations, practice, and discussions to teach the unique mind set and the basic questions used in this model.
2-day Solution-Focused Basics (SFBT Basics)
2. Each July we offer the week-long Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Summer Intensive. This is the ultimate way to learn the model. It’s the way Insoo and Steve de Shazer trained their students. No prerequisites are required, and it is designed to meet the needs of both beginner and advanced learners. It not only provides a solid foundation of the model, but each day builds on the previous one to create a deep, sustainable understanding of how the model works with some of the most difficult situations. There are several registration options available.
Solution-Focused Summer Intensive
I strongly suggest taking the 2-day Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Basics class from our training center. There are many dialects of Solution-Focused Practice in use, and taking this foundational course will help you to learn the specific dialect that is being taught at Denver Center for SFBT. In addition, as Steve de Shazer used to say, “There is no such thing as Advanced SFBT. It’s all about the Basics,” so there really is no stepping backwards. Professionals who decide to move toward international certification as a Solution-Focused Practitioner have found repeating this and many of the other courses is very helpful since they hear nuances each time that were previously missed, and since the classes are not recorded, they provide more flexibility to address students' current issues that are getting them stuck. This allows faster progression to mastery of the approach.
2-day Solution-Focused Basics (SFBT Basics)
After that, I recommend doing this.
Should you decide that this is definitely the model you would like to master, all of the classes and services count toward IASTI International certification. Here is a link to learn more about all the specific requirements of the first of the three levels offered through Denver Center for Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: Solution-Focused Certification
We also offer both individual and group consultation groups to help you apply the learning in your work settings. Contact Teri Pichot for more information about how to participate in these learning opportunities.
Looking to train your staff or for agency training? We create personalized, onsite and online training based on your program’s needs.
Contact Teri Pichot via email or phone, and we can discuss a plan that will work for you.